Rambutan's Nutritional Information
Nutritional Analysis
Rambutan's nutritional information pertains specifically to the rambutan grown in Puerto Rico. Other regions of the world where this fruit is grown have differences in soils, climate, fertilizer, irrigation water and rain chemistry, humidity, wind, and the amount and intensity of sunlight--all of which may have a significant impact on the nutritional values posted below.
We mention this because these nutritional values may not be the same outside of Puerto Rico. For that matter, even within Puerto Rico, there are so many microclimates, soil types, and pH variations. These results may be viewed only as an example of the nutritional profile of just one of the island's rambutan fruit growers. And then, there is the seasonal variation from one crop to the next. The test results included herein were from a particularly good summer crop, and there should be some variability of these values each season. Generally speaking, however, the vitamin content and minerals found on this page should help people with concerns about the nutritional value of the rambutan. This fruit tastes great and it is good for you as well!